Tested & Approved Ways to Prepare for UTME/JAMB and Pass With Flying Colours

JAMB subjects

In this post, I will show you practical tips on how to write and pass JAMB and score high.

I have also included essential strategies for studying JAMB English, Physics, Government, Biology, Literature, Chemistry, etc., and recommended textbooks.

I struggled to pass my Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) exam for many years.

It would not be an understatement to say I got JAMBed by JAMB for many years.

At one point, I could not understand why I always got low scores. Sometimes I score below 200. I was desperate to get a good score to secure admission to the university.

I felt like a loser as I began to look dumb to everyone back home.

In secondary school, I performed well in my exams. I am not a lazy student. So, the problem was not that I could not read and understand.

Looking back today, I realize I used the wrong strategies for the years I struggled with JAMB.

I would not want any student to go through my painful experience.

You will find this post helpful if you think you are a bright or average student. 

By the way, I’m currently a student at the University of Nigeria.

You see, I could make it. You, too, can get a high JAMB score to get admission into the university or polytechnic of your choice.

Trust me, there is no big secret or trick to scoring above 300 in JAMB. It boils down to your study technique and commitment.

If this is your first JAMB, then I pray that you pass your JAMB in one sitting once and for all.

Also, if this is not your first exam, I am optimistic that the strategies in this post will help you conquer JAMB.

Have it in mind that JAMB is not too difficult to pass.

Now let’s go into how to excel in your forthcoming JAMB examinations.

Please let me know in the comment box if you have any questions. I will respond to you as soon as possible.


Proven Tips on How to Pass the JAMB Excellently

Here are tips for studying and passing your JAMB examination successfully with a high score:

  1. Study the JAMB syllabus and brochure.
  2. Get Recommended Text Books and Materials
  3. Get Rid of Distraction
  4. Create the perfect study environment.
  5. Read and study effectively.
  6. Identify your weaknesses.
  7. Practice JAMB questions
  8. Online CBT Test Practice
  9. Believe in yourself.
  10. Attend the JAMB Tutorial
  11. Care for Your Body and Health
  12. Stay informed on JAMB news.


Study the JAMB syllabus and brochure.

The first thing you must do as a JAMBite is to study the official JAMB syllabus and brochure.

A common mistake students make is ignorance and not analyzing the brochure and syllabus.

The JAMB syllabus contains all the topics you must study for your examination. It is a comprehensive guide on how to read and score well.

Inside the syllabus, you will see statements like the candidate should be able to know this and that.

It gives you an important clue as to what you must know for your CBT exam.

The JAMB brochure gives you information about the courses offered at the different universities, polytechnics, monotechnics, and colleges of education.

  • Before registering for your JAMB, check out the correct subject combination for your preferred course of study.

Note that a high JAMB score with the wrong subject combination will give you nothing.

How to Get the JAMB Syllabus and Brochure to Study

Ensure that you check out these two materials. It is the first step before you begin preparations for your examination. It will make a lot of difference.


Many Nigerian students fail the JAMB exam because they read gigantic textbooks for PhD students at the university.

Reading complex and irrelevant materials will not help you score well in JAMB. It is necessary to get the official recommended textbooks.

  • JAMB Recommended Textbooks for Science Students

Inside the JAMB syllabus, you will see a list of recommended textbooks you should read.

For example, JAMB recommends Ababio’s New School Chemistry for science students.

  • JAMB Recommended Textbooks for Art and Commercial Students

You do not have to buy all the recommended textbooks.

You would end up not covering anything and spending a lot of money.

One text is enough for each subject.

Go for the one that is easy for you to comprehend.

For science students, here is a list of texts I recommend you supplement with your textbooks. 

Use of English
  • The Invisible Teacher of JAMB’s Use of English by Dele Ashade
  • A-Z English Textbook by Dele Ashade
  • A-One English by Dele Ashade

Publisher Contact: 08038414863, 08124566384, or 08181969947

  • Lamlad’s SSCE and UTME Chemistry by F. O. Ayinde and F. O. Asubiojo
  • New School Chemistry for Senior Secondary Schools by Ababio, O.Y.
  • Senior Secondary School Physics by Okeke, P. N., and Anyakoha, M.W.
  • Lamlad’s SSCE and UTME Physics by O. Ajaja and H.B. Olaniyi

Publisher Contact: Little by Little Plaza, Ajilosun Street, Ado-Ekiti.

Phone: 08060445443 & 08035672129

  • Explicit Biology by O.J. Olaoye

Publisher Contact: 08069451567 & 08024761905

Location: Lagos, Nigeria.

  • Integrated Mathematics Textbook by Afolabi J.R.

Note that some of these textbooks are not available in bookstores nationwide.

A few years ago, I had to order Explicit Biology and Invisible Teacher from the publisher in Lagos. It was because no bookshop in my city had the book in stock.

I went the extra mile to get these books because of recommendations from medical students in Nairaland. 

Funny enough, I also used Lamlad’s chemistry to study in my first year at the university here at UNN.

For medical aspirants, I recommend you check out the Nairaland Medical Student and Aspirant Thread.

The textbooks greatly benefit every science student taking JAMB this year. You will thank me later.

Contact the publishers if the books are unavailable in bookshops in your area. Use the contact information I have provided above.

They are not expensive, typically within two thousand Naira or thereabout.

You can get Explicit Biology on Amazon

  • The Invisible Teacher of JAMB’s Use of English by Dele Ashade
  • A-Z English Textbook by Dele Ashade
  • A-One English by Dele Ashade
  • Essential Oral English for Schools and Colleges by Caesar, O. J.
  • Comprehensive Government for Senior Secondary Schools
  • Essential Government for Senior Secondary Schools by C. C. Dibie.
  • Practical Guild in Literature
  • Exam Focus Literature-in-English
  • Study the Bible with the JAMB syllabus.
  • Essential Economics for Senior Secondary Schools
  • Comprehensive Economics


Get Rid of Distraction

An effective way to prepare, study, and score high in JAMB is to eliminate distractions.

WhatsApp and Facebook are the major distractions facing Nigerian students.

Many students find it hard to focus while studying without getting distracted. These distractions are buzzing on social media.

Getting rid of distractions is not as easy as it may sound. Addiction to these apps is never an easy habit to drop.

To eliminate distractions, you must do away with anything that would hinder your study plan.

You have to stay focused and discipline yourself.

Here are tips on how to get rid of distractions while preparing for JAMB.

  • Go to the library to study, and do not go with your Android or iPhone.
  • Study in a calm environment.
  • Get enough sleep before your study time.
  • Do not study on an empty stomach.
  • Switch off your data while studying.
  • Resist the urge to check out your WhatsApp messages during study hours.
  • Cultivate the habit of using social media only on weekends.
  • Make yourself unavailable to friends who would distract you from your study.
  • Get a good recharge lamp to study at night.
  • Study with a table and chair.
  • Inform your parents that you need alone time to study.
  • Don’t do house chores during study time.
  • Study in a well-ventilated room.


Create the perfect study environment.

Creating a perfect study environment is necessary to get an excellent score in JAMB.

You must find out which environment best suits you to study in. A serene environment helps you to read and understand.

Studying while lying in bed is not advisable—study with a table and chair.

A recommended study environment is libraries, universities or Polytechnic campuses around your house.

You can try out public secondary schools on weekends. Ensure that the location is safe.

Even in your house, you can create a place perfect for you to study with minimal distractions.


Read and Study

Reading or browsing through the topics in the JAMB syllabus is not enough. You have to study sincerely to understand the subject that you are reading.

Do not read topics like romance novels. You must read every page of your textbook with an understanding.

JAMB questions may come in between the lines. No topic in the syllabus is irrelevant. The questions can come from anywhere.

One mistake I made during my JAMB days was always trying to cover the syllabus in a short period of time.

Nobody will give you an award for finishing the JAMB outline in one month.

Never do you try to exhaust the syllabus to brag to your friends that you know how to read.

Understanding what you are reading and clicking the correct option on the day of your examination is the essence of studying.

Have a good study strategy and time management technique. It will help you prepare for your exam. Starting to prepare early is an essential key to getting an impressive score of 250 and above.

JAMB Study Timetable

Here is an example of a JAMB reading timetable for a science student;

Day Subject
Monday Chemistry
Tuesday Biology
Wednesday Physics
Thursday Use of English
Friday Physics
Saturday Chemistry
Sunday Biology

Here is a personal study timetable for a student sitting for English, Literature, Government and CRS.

Let’s assume that you want to allocate roughly equal time to each subject. That means you will study each subject for about 2 hours and 30 minutes per day.

Here’s a sample study timetable for you:


  • 8:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.: English
  • 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.: Literature
  • 1:30 pm–2:30 pm: Break time
  • 2:30 pm–5:00 pm: Government
  • 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.: CRS
  • 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm: Revision and practice


  • 8:00am–10:30am: Government
  • 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.: English
  • 1:30 pm–2:30 pm: Break time
  • 2:30 pm–5:00 pm: CRS
  • 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm: Literature
  • 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm: Revision and practice


  • 8:00am – 10:30am: CRS
  • 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.: Government
  • 1:30 pm–2:30 pm: Break time
  • 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Literature
  • 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.: English
  • 8:00 pm–10:30 pm: Revision and practice


  • 8:00am–10:30am: Literature
  • 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.: CRS
  • 1:30 pm–2:30 pm: Break time
  • 2:30 pm–5:00 pm: English
  • 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.: Government
  • 8:00 pm–10:30 pm: Revision and practice


  • 8:00am–10:30am: English
  • 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.: Government
  • 1:30 pm–2:30 pm: Break time
  • 2:30 pm–5:00 pm: CRS
  • 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.: Literature
  • 8:00 pm–10:30 pm: Revision and practice


  • 8:00am–10:30am: CRS
  • 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.: English
  • 1:30 pm–2:30 pm: Break time
  • 2:30 pm–5:00 pm: Literature
  • 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.: Government
  • 8:00 pm–10:30 pm: Revision and practice


  • 8:00am–10:30am: Government
  • 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.: CRS
  • 1:30 pm–2:30 pm: Break time
  • 2:30 pm–5:00 pm: English
  • 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.: Literature
  • 8:00 pm–10:30 pm: Revision and practice

Note that this is just a sample timetable, and you can modify it to fit your study needs and preferences.

This timetable covers six days of the week, leaving Sunday as a rest day. You can adjust the timing and days of the week to fit your schedule.

Also, remember to take breaks and rest as needed. Good luck with your JAMB preparations!


Identify your weaknesses.

As you study for your exams, you have to identify your weaknesses. You must recognize those topics that are proving difficult to understand.

Never try to abandon any topic because you are unable to understand it.

It will shock you that so many questions come from such areas in your exam.

Do not avoid complex topics. The best strategy is to search YouTube for videos on the concept.

You’d get an explanatory video to clear up your confusion.

You can also search for such topics on Google Search with your phone. Read the results you find. You would see a good explanation.

Also, you can search for a person in your area to guide you through complex topics. You’d be glad you tackled your challenges.

Visit my YouTube channel using this link.


Practice JAMB questions

Practising JAMB questions is a necessary study technique for every student. It is an effective strategy to get an outstanding performance in JAMB.

Practice JAMB questions so that you can get familiar with the exam format.

You would not know what to expect in your exam without practicing these questions.

Practice questions serve as a guide to gauge your level of preparedness for the exam. As you answer the questions, you can test if you have understood what you have been reading. It is an effective way to pinpoint your weakness.

Every year, students make the mistake of cramming past questions like current affairs.

It usually ends in premium tears for these students.

Test your performance with past questions and answers as you study the syllabus. Learn how to solve problems and not cram answers to questions.

Get a correct copy of JAMB’s past questions and answers.

The question booklet you buy must explain every answer, not only the options.


JAMB Online CBT Test Practice

JAMB online CBT test practice provides a familiar experience like the main exam.

JAMB CBT apps are stimulating for the exam.

For the online CBT test, I recommend that you use MySchool. 

I recommend the MySchool classroom because you can interact with other aspirants in Nigeria. Some of the interactions and arguments would help you get a better understanding of the topics.

You can check out other CBT practice websites or apps on the Google Play Store.


Believe in yourself.

Believing in yourself is an essential key to succeeding in your exams. Do not look down upon yourself because you cannot score above 300.

You may not have attended the best secondary schools, but you have a high chance of succeeding. Do not allow your environment to limit your potential.

Fancy high school students are usually highly confident that they will blast JAMB.

They prepare and write their examination with an inner assurance of success.

Believe in yourself to pass the Joint Admission Matriculation Board Exam.


Attend the JAMB Tutorial

Attending JAMB tutorials can assist you with preparation for your exams. Lesson centers teach you topics that you don’t understand.

Also, interacting with other students could serve as a morale booster.

But sometimes, these tutorials can be a source of distraction. Many JAMBites attend these lessons to show off their latest gadgets and fashion styles.

Stay focused or quit whenever you find yourself in such tutorial centers.


Care for Your Body and Health

Good health is necessary to pass your exam. If you fall sick a few days before your examination, all your effort may go down the drain.

As you study, ensure you take good care of your body and health. Do not starve yourself to death because you are preparing for JAMB. 

You can look healthy and still be a serious student.

A high energy level and a top-notch frame of mind are necessary for your preparations.

Routine exercise is compulsory for every student. It helps your brain work more effectively. You would begin to find it easy to recall everything you have read.

Exercise for at least 20 minutes every day.

You can dance to your favorite music in your room in the evening as part of your exercise routine.

Always engage in physical activities to improve your physical and psychological health.

Stay informed on JAMB news.

As you prepare for your exams, you must stay informed on JAMB news and updates.

You must know the requirements for registration and when to print your exam slip or center for your exam.

Do not stay in the dark. You don’t want to end up missing a vital JAMB news update.

Join my Facebook group to receive updates from JAMB and other admission news.

Another source of information is the newspaper, television, educational blogs, etc.


JAMB Exam: Frequently Asked Questions

What is JAMB?

JAMB stands for Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, an examination board in Nigeria that conducts the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) for students seeking admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

How can I pass? JAMB

To pass JAMB, you must prepare effectively by studying the suitable materials, using the proper study techniques, managing your time well, and staying motivated.

How can I manage my time well during the JAMB exam?

To manage your time well during the JAMB exam, read the instructions carefully, budget your time wisely, and prioritize the questions you know you can answer correctly. You should also avoid spending too much time on a single question.

How can I stay motivated while preparing for JAMB?

To stay motivated while preparing for JAMB, you should set realistic goals, track your progress, reward yourself for achieving milestones, and surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

Can I pass JAMB without attending a tutorial center?

Yes, you can pass JAMB without attending a tutorial or coaching center. However, following a tutorial or coaching center can provide additional help and support, especially if you struggle with certain subjects.

How can I avoid making common mistakes during the JAMB exam?

To avoid making common mistakes during the JAMB exam, read the instructions carefully, double-check your answers, and avoid making assumptions. You should also avoid spending too much time on a single question and ensure that you have enough time to review your work.


Guidelines on How to Pass JAMB Physics

To pass JAMB physics, study with Okeke and supplement with Lamlad’s Physics.

You can also use any other recommended textbook that is easy to understand.

Physics in JAMB is both theoretical and mathematical. Study your textbook and practice with past questions.

Do not cram the answers into calculations. What you would want to do is understand how to solve physics calculations.

A concrete understanding of topics enables you to tackle questions in any format.

Do not join the bandwagon of students who say physics is impossible to understand.

Seek help on YouTube, and search topics on Google for better comprehension. Also, you could find somebody who would teach you, even if it meant paying the fellow.


Practical Steps on How to Pass JAMB Chemistry

Chemistry in JAMB covers both the organic and inorganic sections.

I understand that many secondary schools do not teach organic chemistry.

Many teachers do not have grounded knowledge in the aspect of organic chemistry.

Ababio’s Chemistry is one of the best textbooks for understanding chemistry.

Make sure that you get Lamlad’s chemistry. It is compulsory if you are looking at scoring 80/100 or above.

In my last JAMB examination (you know I wrote JAMB plenty of times), I used only Lamlad’s Chemistry to prepare. 

The result still gives me premium joy today. I can’t wait to hear your testimony.


Advice on How to Pass JAMB Biology

JAMB biology is straightforward. Study all the topics in the syllabus. You would get an outstanding performance.

Also, I recommend that you get Explicit Biology to supplement your textbook. Trust me, with explicit biology, you will score 75/100 and above.


Strategies on How to Pass JAMB English

English in JAMB covers comprehension/summary, lexis, structures, and oral forms.

Did you attend a local secondary school? You will have to put in more effort to study and pass the test of English.

The Invisible Teacher textbook teaches you tricks to pass the JAMB test in English.


How to Pass JAMB Without Studying Much

You cannot pass JAMB without studying hard and being hardworking. You must read, understand, and cover the syllabus to pass the exam.

There is no shortcut to success. It is not possible in a national board exam. You may be imprisoned if you cheat or impersonate in the CBT exam hall. Do not bring shame and reproach to your family.

Read and read; pray and pray.


JAMB Cheat Site

There is no authentic JAMB cheat site. Whatever you see online is created by scammers. They intend to lure students into parting ways with their parents’s hard-earned money.

Every year, JAMB optimizes its system to remove any loopholes. Do not fall for scammers. There is no JAMB cheat site.


JAMB Score Upgrade

The JAMB score upgrade is a fake scheme promoted by impostors. Your JAMB score cannot be upgraded by any individual claiming to work with JAMB. Whatever you score is what you will see on your result slip. Study effectively to score high in JAMB.

  • I would love to hear from you in the comment box.
  • Ask me any questions. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Good luck with your examination. It is my prayer that your efforts turn into great success. 

About Rodrick Emmanuel 57 Articles
Rodrick Emmanuel is one of the founders of Thetrust Media. He loves to share educational content from various sources to keep readers informed. He is also an enthusiastic SEO writer who engineers helpful, skyrocketing content on the internet.

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